Wedding FAQs
Frequently asked Questions about weddings in general
and the weddings I officiate.
How do we begin planning our wedding?
A very important question!
Here is a document that I designed with basic questions you should cover when planning your wedding.

Are you licensed clergy?
Yes. I am ordained through the Sacred Flame Temple and am registered and licensed with the State of Ohio as a wedding officiant.
Do we need a wedding license?
Yes. If you want your marriage to be legal, you must have a marriage license from the county Probate Court where one of the applicants resides. This license will need to be presented to me (the wedding officiant) at your wedding for me to sign.
This is not a difficult process and the license is good for 60 days from time of purchase, so be sure to get it in time for the wedding.
Click here for a link to Ohio county probate courts.

Do we need a witness at our wedding?
This will depend on the county where you get your license from. Each county has different requirements.
You can find their requirements on their website, and it’s also on the license if witnesses are needed.
I’m short a Witness. Can you serve as a Witness (in addition to your Officiant services) to the ceremony for all the legal stuff?
No. Unfortunately, the law doesn’t allow me to wear two hats that way. But, I can provide one or two witnesses for your ceremony for a small fee.

What is a basic outline for a wedding?
Greeting and Invocation
Statement of Purpose
Questions of Intent
Exchange of Vows and Rings
Pronouncement of Marriage
*This is very basic, and doesn’t include the many other items you can add to make it personal and unique: readings, music, unity candle, children’s vows, rose exchange with mothers, jumping a sword and broom, or other familiar elements.
How long do most weddings last?
Typically, weddings are from 15 – 20 minutes.
However, an elopement can be as short as a couple of minutes and they can be much longer, depending on what the couple wants.

Who provides the props for the ceremony?
This will depend on what is needed for the ceremony. We will discuss this during our consultation call. I have some items, but you may want things that are more personal to you.
Who writes the ceremony?
We will work as a team to create your unique ceremony. I have some sample scripts of weddings and handfastings for ideas and over 100 ceremonies that I’ve written over the years.
During our consultation call, we’ll discuss what you are looking for and I’ll design a ceremony based on that. Then, we can modify it until it reflects what you are looking for.

We want to elope. Can you work on short notice?
Absolutely! With some notice, as I may be traveling at the time.
We want our child/ren to be part of the ceremony. Can we do this?
Absolutely! This is your wedding and you get to design it how you like. Children make a great addition to a ceremony.

Do you perform theme weddings?
Yes! They are great fun and a testament to the couple’s individuality. If there are special costumes required of me, I request that the couple cover the costs, though I may already have something suitable. I’ve done a few Rennasaince and Halloween themed weddings over the years.
Do you perform alternative lifestyle weddings?
Definitely! These are some of my favorite weddings to officiate. I have experience with LGBTQ, Leather, Poly, Motorcycle Club and a couple other alternative lifestyles. If I don’t have experience with a particular one, you’ll need to guide me on expected protocol.

What other kinds of ceremonies , besides weddings, do you do?
Renewal of Vows
Baby Blessings/Namings
Memorial Services/Funerals
Coming of Age Rites
Alternative Lifestyle Ceremonies
House Cleansings and Blessings